In orthodontics, implants, TMJ…

A team with huge experience.

Dr. Ricardo García

Collegiate dentist num. 48001104.

Graduated in Dentistry from the University of the Basque Country.

Specialist technician in dental prosthetics.

Master in Oral Implantology and Implant Prosthesis from the San Pablo University – CEU.

Member of the Bilbao College of Dentists.

Articles published in various media such as “Gaceta Dental”, “Maxillaris” and “Revista Vasca de Odontoestomatología”.

Speaker at the Seventh International Odontology Congress.

Impartation of practical Odontologic classes.

Specialised in Temporomandibular Joint disorders.

Specialised in Craneofacial pain.

Raquel Villaverde

Dental nurse

Carolina Freire

Dental hygienist

Yolanda Quintero

Dental hygienist

Ricar Villaverde

Dental hygienist